Thursday, January 13, 2011

Rocks in Remy

I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:8

The Lord was indeed before me as I looked at Remy’s x-ray. This is Remy.

He’s a cuddly, 10 week old rottweiler pup who had slipped on the ice and was limping. His left hip was painful on extension and the right one wasn’t much better. I was worried about the possibility of hip dysplasia causing problems as he got older and a lot bigger. His concerned owners agreed to x-rays. But we were more surprised by his belly than his hips. 

It seems he'd been busy nibbling on pebbles in the garden.

This is Remy’s abdomen. I was a little nervous at the prospect since a lengthy surgery on such a young pup was not ideal. But he was a tough little guy and the owners wanted the best for him.

I can do all things ithrough Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

So I started him on intravenous fluids and pain meds and operated later that day. My tech was a whirling dervish, as she adjusted anesthesia, checked his fluids, blood pressure, breathing and monitored oxygenation and CO2 output. At one point she had to stimulate an accupunture point and breathe for him when I was unhappy with his carbon dioxide number. Meanwhile, I was wrist deep in his belly milking stones into his descending colon. I needed to take one large one out of his stomach, and carefully check the entire length of his intestine, but after closing him up it was enema time! After making sure he was as empty, warm and comfortable as I could make him and reporting to his relieved owners (and catching up on 2 hours of paperwork) I headed home.

I made it just as the snow was starting to fall heavily. In my prayers before bed I asked God for mercy for an elderly friend whose husband was coming home with multiple medical problems and I didn’t know how she would manage. I prayed for another friend longing for a baby and undergoing testing and for the many out of work. I asked for comfort and strength for the mother whose young son was in jail, but hopefully growing in wisdom through the process and for another whose son struggled with addiction. For unity in Christ and hope and healing for this world.

 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10

And finally, for one sore, little puppy.

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